

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Elena's Story - In Her Own Words

Living with arthritis.

I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at 42. I am 50 today. I am the youngest of 11 children, my mother and myself are the only ones that have arthritis, she has osteo-arthritis and has had both knees and one shoulder replaced.

I have always been very active. I served in the U.S. Army for 20 years without any limitation. After retiring I kept my weight healthy and physical activity with strict discipline. For exercise, I ran mostly in the “pre-diagnosis” days. I went to the doctor many times for aches and pains that I attributed to my physical activity, taking numerous amounts of Ibuprofen and Extra Strength Tylenol until one doctor (after an appointment for complaints of range of motion limitation–for no apparent reason) decided to test me for arthritis. All of my tests came back positive for RA, which he said he had seldom seen. Eventually I had to take a leave from my desk job because of the severity of physical limitation to my arm.

After being referred to a Rheumatologist I began the heavy doses of medication which somewhat depressed me. I was 42 and going to take these for the rest of my life? After about a year on all the medication I decided I could not live that way. I talked to my doctor about this and he advised against it but understood my distress and suggested I go about working out as I had previously just being aware of the fine line to the wear on my joints. I joined a gym and started spinning, weight lifting, kickboxing, 5 days a week. On the weekends I would ride (bicycle) with friends and Sundays I would take my dog out and walk Greenlake 3 or 4 times (my rest day). A few times I overdid my weightlifting but mostly I felt so much better. I still had occasional flare up that sent me to the ER but I had taken charge of my life again.

For purposes solely of convenience, I found a new Rheumatologist close to my office downtown Seattle, prior to meeting with her I was to go in and provide blood work at the Lab. On my first appointment she walked in and looked at me startled. I will never forget what she told me next. She said, after looking at my bloodwork she thought she was going to walk in on a frail, bent 46 year old woman. My Rheumatoid Factor was higher than any she had ever seen….whatever I was doing, keep on doing… That was 4 years ago—I am on only Methrotrexeate today and I just began hot yoga 3 weeks ago…which has been wonderful!

I have 4 kids, my baby just graduated college last year. I have 7 grandchildren. My oldest granddaughter and I make the trip each year to Spokane to run the Bloomsday Race together since she was 11. I am here—with them—living with RA. Really LIVING. Occasionally I have bad flare ups, painful. It is frustrating when I am unable to drive sometimes but it passes and I am happy. RA challenged me. I met it. More than halfway!

Thanks for asking,
Elena Ortiz

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