

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Judi's Story - In Her Own Words

There are an estimated 50 Million adults in the U.S. diagnosed with arthritis and 300,000 children with juvenile arthritis (that’s right, kids get arthritis too). There are over 100 different chronic forms of arthritis that effect the joints and other parts of the body, the more common being, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid, Gout, Fibromyalgia & Lupus.

“Rheumatoid Arthritis”, a systematic autoimmune disease that affects the entire body and is characterized by the inflammation of the membrane lining the joint, which causes pain, stiffness, warmth, redness and swelling.  Trust me, I didn’t understand all of this when I was diagnosed, but I can tell you it isn’t fun!

I am one of 1.3 million people in the U.S. with diagnosed RA.  I believe that I had the genetic potential for RA because my Mother has RA and my Fraternal Grandmother had RA.  My RA expressed its ugly self when I went through the stress of a divorce 18 years ago.  My Mother’s RA expressed itself when she went through the stress of having me, her first child.  Payback is not pretty!
It’s taken quite a while to figure out the right medication and health regime.  I’ve tried almost everything from Plaquenil, Azulfidine, Mobic, Vioxx (before it was taken off of the market) and others that I don’t even remember, but none were working to my satisfaction.  I was flaring a lot.  A flare is, in simplistic terms, where your immune system attacks any joint it chooses, which causes inflammation, stiffness and extreme pain.  Whichever joint it happens to attack becomes immobile.  All of my flares, which were becoming weekly, would last approx. 1 1/2 days (which is not necessarily the norm).

I am a very active, healthy woman that loves to ski, kayak, play softball, exercise and enjoy life, so these flares, besides painful, were getting in the way of my quality of life.  About 10 years ago I decided to see a homeopathic practitioner for suggestion of an alternative.  Within 5 minutes of me explaining my disease and describing my flares, he asked me if I had ever had a food allergy test, because 1 1/2 days is approx. the amount of time it takes for food to go through your system.  I was all over that test and low and behold, I was allergic to wheat, gluten and spelt, cow dairy and eggs.  Now being a good Italian eater, you can only imagine how much of these foods (bread, pasta, cheese, etc.) I was eating on a weekly basis.  Long story short, I went to a natural food store, spent about 3 hours, with my reading glasses, checking out the ingredients of different products and started my new diet.

I am happy to say that my diet cut my flares by 75%.  At about the same time the FDA had approved a biologic drug called Rhemicade for treatment of RA, so I tried it.  I had now found what I call “my miracle drug”.  Rhemicade, in simplistic terms, is an IV infused medication that can be taken every 4 – 8 weeks that blocks the TNF inhibitors in my immune system that attack my joints.  It certainly is not a cure but, in partnership with my diet, taking relative supplements (calcium, omega 3, glucosamine, vitamin D & a multiple) it keeps me from being in pain and stops the deterioration of my joints.

I am certainly not saying that this is the answer for everyone with RA, because it may not be.  I believe that for me, I have found the winning combination of healthy eating, exercise, natural supplements and Rhemicade.  There are millions of people that are continuing to suffer everyday from this disabling disease.

If you have RA (or know someone who has RA), spend time with your rheumatologist and investigate all of the possible natural alternatives that could hopefully give you a better quality of life.  I believe that “if life gives you lemons, then you need to make lemonade”.
I am one of the fortunate ones diagnosed early and able to take aggressive treatment with biologic medications to control my disease.  Because I feel so fortunate I am determined to do whatever I can to help find a cure for this awful disease.  I’m on the Board of Directors for the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation, chair one of their signature fundraisers and volunteer and participate wherever I can.  The more fundraising that can be done, the more money that can be targeted to research to find a cure.

Check out the Arthritis Foundation at; they have a wealth of information and programs that can help, and get involved.

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